
 Practical No: 1.

1. Write a program in C to input the two numbers and find the

 Addition, Substraction, Multiplication and Division in one file.



 void main ( )


 int x, y, sum, sub, multi;

 float div;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the first number x=”);

 scanf (“%d”, &x);

 printf (“enter the second number y=”);

 scanf (“%d”, &y);





 printf (“\n Addition=%d \n


Multiplication=%d \n

Division=%f”, sum, sub, multi, div);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 2.

1. Write a program in C to input the two numbers and find the Average.



 void main ( )


 int a, b, sum, avg;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the first number:”);

 scanf (“%d”, &a);

 printf (“enter the second number:”);

 scanf (“%d”, &b);



 printf (“average %d”, avg);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 2.

2. Write a C program to input three integers and then display Maximum of

 the three numbers.



 void main ( )


 int a, b, c;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the first no. ”);

 scanf (“%d”, &a);

 printf (“enter the second no. ”);

 scanf (“%d”, &b);

 printf (“enter the third no. ”);

 scanf (“%d”, &c);


 printf (“the largest number is =%d”, a);

 else if(b>c)

 printf (“the largest number is =%d”, b);


 printf (“the largest number is =%d”, c);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 3.

1. Write a program in C to input the Basic pay and calculate and display

 Basic Pay, DA, HRA, Total Pay and Tax where DA as 60% of Basic Pay,

 Total as Basic Pay+DA+HRA and tax as 20% of the Total Pay.



 void main ( )


 float basic, DA, HRA, Tpay, Tax;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter basic pay: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &basic);





 printf (“basic pay=%.2f\n”, basic);

 printf (“DA=%.2f\n”,da);

 printf (“HRA=%.2f\n”,hra);

 printf (“Total pay=%.2f\n”,tpay);

 printf (“Tax=%.2f\n”,tax);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 3.

2. Write a program in C to input the Cost, Salvage value and estimated life

 in years of an asset and display the Annual Depreciation where




 void main ( )


 float cost, salvage, estlife, depreciation;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the cost: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &cost);

 printf (“enter the salvage: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &salvage);

 printf (“enter the estlife: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &estlife );


 printf (“depreciation=%.2f”, depreciation);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 4.

1. To input Telephone No. and Number of Calls made; Calculate and

 display the Bill Amount which include a fixed rate of 250 first 60 calls

 are free & excess calls are charged @ 80paise each.



 void main ( )


 long tn ;

 int n ;

 float b_amt ;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the telephone no:”);

 scanf (“%ld”, &tn);

 printf (“enter the no. of the made:”);

 scanf (“%d”, &n);

 if (n<=60)




 printf (“Bill amount %.2f”, b_amt);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 4.

2. Write a program in C to accept Amount and then display the sales

amount, Discount and Net amount where Discount is 5% of sales.



 void main ( )


 float sales, discount, namount;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the sales :”);

 scanf (“%f”, &sales);

 discount =sales*0.05;


 printf (“namount=%.2f”, namount);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 5.

1. Write a program in C to input 2 numbers & Arithmetic operator and give

 the result of the operator on the 2 numbers using switch ( ).



 void main ( )


 float a, b;

 char k;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the first nos: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &a);

 printf (“enter the second nos: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &b);

 printf (“enter a arithmetic operator: “);

 scanf (“%s”, &k);



 case ‘+’ :

 printf (“%f\n”,a+b);


 case ‘-’ :

 printf (“%f\n”,a-b);


 case ‘*’ :

 case ‘x’ :

 printf (“%f\n”,a*b);


 case ‘/’ :

 printf (“%f\n”,a/b);


 default :






2. Write a program in C to input the Gross Income and calculate Income




 void main ( )


 float gi, itax, ni;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“enter the gross income :”);

 scanf (“%f” ,&gi);



 else if(gi<=110000)


else if(gi<=160000)




 printf(“gross income: rs%.2f\n”,gi);

 printf(“income tax: rs%.2f\n”,itax);

 printf(“net income: rs%.2f\n”,gi-itax);

 getch ( );


Practical No: 6.

1. Write a program in C to input the Amount Invested (a), the Rate of

 interest(r) and the Period of Investment in Years (n). Calculate and

 display the Simple Interest on the same. {SI= a*r*n/100}



 void main ( )


 float a, r, n, si;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“Enter the Amount Invested: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &a);

 printf (“Enter the Rate of Interest: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &r);

 printf (“Enter the Period of Investment in Years: ”);

 scanf (“%f”, &n);


 printf (“Simple interest =%.2f\n”, si );

 getch ( );



Practical No: 6.

2. Write a program in C to input the Marks of a student in 3 subjects and

 calculate Total and Average marks. Display the Result of the student

 along with the Total and Average marks , where the result is “PASS” if the

 student gets 35 or more in each subject , otherwise result is “FAIL”.



 void main ( )


 float m1, m2, m3, tm, avg;

 clrscr ( );

 printf (“Enter the marks in Hindi:\n”);

 scanf (“%f”,m1);

 printf (“Enter the marks in Marathi:\n”);

 scanf (“%f”,m2);

 printf (“Enter the marks in English:\n”);

 scanf (“%f”,m3);



 printf (“total marks=%.2f\n”, tm);

 printf (“average marks=%.2f\n”, avg);

 if (m1>=35 && m2>=35 && m3>=35)

 printf (“pass”);


 printf (“fail”);

 getch ( );


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