7 helpful ways to protect your eyes from digital device display

 7 helpful ways to

 protect your eyes

 from digital device


7 helpful ways to protect your eyes from digital device display



Hi our eyes are very important for us.

 we can see this whole world by help of them.

 As per now situation we all are at home.

 We are connected to outside world with the help of digital devices like TV, phone,tablet,laptop,Chromebook, computer and much more.
Stress of digital devices display on eyes
Stress of digital devices on eyes

These devices are helping us now,but they are also damaging our eyes.

 So, today I am going to tell you 7 ways to protect your eyes from screen of these devices.

 This can be very useful for students who are  learning online and people who are doing work from home.

In Start I have to clear that these 7 ways can just reduce impact on your eyes.

 We can't prevent completely the impact.

 So, by using this you can just reduce the impact of screen on your eyes.

The first way is...

1. Use blue filter mode or reading mode in your device=

Today there are lots of devices
with blue filter mode and reading mode.

 The blue light of digital device display can harm your eyes most, so by using blue filter mode you can reduce the impact of blue light.

Dark mode, reading mode

The another way is...

2. Enable dark mode  in your phone=

Using dark mode in your device can be like hitting  two targets in a chance.

 This can be reduced the harmful impact of display on your eyes and it also reduces the power using of your device.

The another way is...
Brightness level

3. Balance brightness of your device=

 Balance brightness of your device display   so that your eyes do not get strained.

 The more brightness damages our eyes and less brightness also damages our eyes.

 So set the brightness on that point where you can easily use the device and your eyes do not get strained.

The another way is...

Display of digital devices

4. Use device with good display=

Always try to use device with good quality display.

 Because low quality display can harm your eyes.

The another way is...

Blink eyes

5. Blink your eyes as much as possible=

While using a digital devices we did not blink our eyes.

 This is opposite of our natural behaviour.

 In a normal condition any human blinks his eyes in less than a second time.

 Because of not blinking our eyes are get dry and this is very harmful.

So blink your eyes in between  your work and also take a break and blink your as much as possible.

The most trustworthy to reduce the impact is...

6. Use 20-20-20 rule=

Using 20-20-20 rule can be a game changer in this case.

 In this method you have to focus on object which is 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds after every work of 20 minutes on your digital device.
The most considerable way is...

Avoid using digital devices as much as possible

7. Reduce using digital devices as much as possible=

This is a most effective way which can help you a lot.

 Reducing the use of digital devices can create a lot of difference.

 Taking rest is necessary for our eyes and whole body.

 So, take rest avoid using such things. Exercise and yoga is necessary for us.

Our eyes are very important for us, so please reduce the use of digital devices as much as possible.

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