Satellite worldwide communication with all digital technologyDetailed study of satellite technology |
Satellite classification and their uses
Depending on their functions satellites are classified into following categories:
Picture taken by weather satellites |
Communication of satellites with the objects present on earth | satellite=the satellite used to study and forecast weather conditions on the earth.
2. Communication satellite=this satellite use specific ways to establish communication between different location in the world.
3.Broadcast satellite=the satellites are used to telecast different television program all over the world.
4. Navigational satellite=the satellite help in the locating any place on the earth surface by fixing the location in terms of its process latitude and longitude.
5. Military satellite=the satellites collect information for security aspects of nation.
6. Derivation satellite=the satellites are used in study of forests deserts ocean polarize on the earth surface these are also used in explosives and management of natural resources they also collect information which guides us in case of natural climates like to flood and earthquake.
What is mean by orbit of satellite?
The path followed by a satellite while revolving around the planet is known as the orbit of the planet.
What basis and how are the earth orbits of artificial satellites are classified?
Depending on the height of the satellites orbit above the earth's surface the satellite or its are classified as below.
High earth orbits=
The height of the satellite Hobbit above the earth's surface is greater than or equal done to 35780 km it is called high earth orbit.
Medium earth orbits=
If the height of the satellite orbit above the earth's surface is between 2000 and 35780 kilometre the orbits are called medium earth orbits.
Low earth orbits=is the height of satellite orbit is above earth's surface between 180 kilometre and 2000 km the orbits are called low earth orbits.
Satellite launch vehicle
- The vehicles with the help of which the satellites are placed in the their specific orbits are called satellite launch.
- The working of the satellite launch vehicle is based on Newton's third law of motion.
- The launch vehicle use a specific type of fuel which produces a gas a gas expands due to its high temperature and is play experit forcefully through the nozzles at their rear side of launch vehicle as a result The thrust on the vehicle which drives the vehicle high into space.
- The structure of the launch vehicle and the fuel to be used is decided by the weight of the satellite and the type of the satellite orbit.
- Different types of gates largely to the total weight of the launch vehicle does the vehicle has to carry a large variety of fuel.
- Tor come this problem launch vehicles with the more than one stay yaar use due to this the great of the vehicle can be reduced gradually after its launching.
There are solar photovoltaic cells attached on the both sides of an artificial satellite as wings.
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