Computer are extreme=Fundamentals and components of computer
High end computers |
Computers are extreme everyone knows it.
In this high-tech world that is necessary to know about Fundamentals and components of computer.
In this article I will give you some important and basic information about computer Fundamentals,components and operating systems of computers.
💻💻Fundamentals of computer=
1.what is computer?
=Computer is electronic device.
It can perform the following tasks....
1. Accept data
2. Input store and execute instructions
3. Perform mathematical and logical operations
4. Provide the results according to the user requirements.
There are two terms of computers i.e.
1. Software
2. Hardware
1) Software=
It is a set of program and program is a set of instructions. There are two categories of software.
a) system software
b) application software
a) system software=
System software is a basically use of the computer.
The most important part of system software is "operating system".
Without system software we can't run the computer.
It is call 'background software'.
Examples of operating systems are...
- MS - DOS(Microsoft disk operating system)
- Windows
- Linux
- Ubuntu
Application software=
Application software is for the user.
There are different types of application software available for different types of applications.
Different types of Application softwares-
eg.word,excel, PowerPoint
2) Hardware=
Hardware is a set of all physical parts example monitor,floppy,keyboard, mouse etc.and work as its own but require software which give is instructions.
Programming languages=
Programming languages can be classified into two categories.
1. Higher level programming languages
2. Lower level programming languages
a) higher level programming language-
a)'c' language
b) cobol
c) fortran
d) basic
e) Pascal
b) Lower level programming language-
1. Machine language
2. Assembly language
Conclusion of "Computer are extreme= Fundamentals and Components of computer":
The computers are very awesome, essential and extreme.There are lot's of components in computer such as RAM,C.P.U.,G.P.U., storage, operating system.
Computer are best for gamers, students, teachers, employees and productive workers.
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